
The Company

multiBIND biotec GmbH


multiBIND develops innovative solutions for decontamination and disinfection. The base technologies are bioDECONT and bioCLEAN. bioDECONT is a new solvent system for treating surfaces and equipment in laboratories, industrial companies and hospitals. In addition to killing microorganisms, bioDECONT as the only active agent also results in the complete removal of their genetic material (DNA/RNA) and other biomolecules such as proteins and lipids. bioDECONT is not toxic for people, it is not corrosive and it is free of solvents and hazardous chemicals. The outstanding characteristic of the bioDECONT technology is the possibility for use in many different application areas from cleaning to decontamination to disinfection in all industrial sectors. bioCLEAN is a new technology for all kind of antimicrobial and antiviral solutions.

multiBIND is currently active in two business segments: On the one hand, the licence business in which multiBIND provides the “proof-of-concept” for new applications of bioDECONT in order to then grant licences to development and sales partners. On the other hand, multiBIND provides services in the area of problems caused in industry by microorganisms. These services primarily include consulting services, e.g. a precise review with systems analysis for the cause of the current microbial pollution in industrial processes. Furthermore, we help our customers to find customised solution approaches for their problems. In this way, we realise enormous saving potentials for our customers and point out new ways in the abatement of unwanted microbial pollution.